History and Forecast

History and Forecast

We are in History and Forecast within the Forecast module. In this screen we analyze in more detail the History and Forecast for each day. The banner indicates the last time the data was updated.

It is possible to filter the information we are interested in going deeper. Through the color filter: we can adjust the colors of the screen. This means changing the % depending on what we want to highlight. And at the same time, select in advance the date we are interested in consulting, moving the selector along the days bar, bearing in mind that by default the current day will always appear. The information can be displayed grouped by days or months.

Under the labels of the selected filters, an extract of the calendar view of the Forecast section appears. Here you can identify by color-coding the days on which the Recommended FC is higher than the budget in green, the Recommended FC is lower than the budget in red, and in gray, those on which the Recommended FC is equal to the budget. In these cards we display: the date, the Recommended Forecast and the % variation with respect to the budget.

At the bottom of this screen, we have 2 graphs that will allow us to analyze at a glance, the evolution of ADR, Revpar and Occupancy for the day we are viewing. This information can be consulted in linear view or table view, printed and exported. In addition, by positioning the mouse on any day in any of the graphs, it is synchronized with the other, that is, a pop up appears in both, in which we can see the most significant data for that day in question.

Similarly, by shortening the period of days in which we want to delve into, one of the graphs is automatically updated in the other to compare them and facilitate our decision making.