Forecast Popup

Forecast Popup

On the Forecast - General View screen, you will find all the information you might need regarding your hotel’s performance, at the level of detail you require.

You can view the details daily, monthly, or annually depending on how you have filtered the view. If you find a date where you want to understand more about what is happening, see an opportunity for improvement, or identify a potential performance issue, you can click on the card in the calendar view or select a date on the corresponding chart in the linear view, and a pop-up with the selected details will appear.

This pop-up will show the data as you have filtered on the main screen: room type, channel, rate plan, etc.

What will you find?
In the first tab - Production - you can see data on room production or guest production. The KPIs related to guests displayed are RevPAG, frequency index, and total guests, allowing comparisons between OTB data with STLY and LY.

  • RevPAG: “Revenue per Available Guest” or room revenue generated per guest staying.
  • Frequency Index: average number of guests per room.
  • Total Guests: total number of overnight stays by all guests during the referenced period or day, differentiated between adults and children.

For the KPIs related to rooms, you can see: Forecast, OTB, STLY (same time last year), LY (last year’s closing), and the hotel’s overall budget. In the graph view, at the bottom, you will find the inventory considered by the system.

Additionally, in the same tab, you can find more information about your cancellations, and if you are viewing past data, you will have information about your No Shows.

As a new feature, we show you the production related to group booking status: confirmed (CONF), tentative (TEN), and prospect (PRO). In this case, we provide information related to performance and cancellations. Information subject to data availability from the PMS integration.

In the - market segmentation - tab, you can see the information broken down according to your system configuration. Select to view data on occupancy %, ADR, RevPAR, Revenue, and Room Nights. In the first chart, you can see the information corresponding to the selected KPI by macro-segment. In the final chart, you can see the information broken down by the micro-segments you have configured.

In the - channel segmentation - tab, you will find information according to your breakdown of agencies in the different distribution channels. You can still view data on occupancy %, ADR, Room Nights, RevPAR, or Revenue.

In the - occupancy evolution - tab, you will see a graph showing how bookings have accumulated for this specific date and you can compare it with the same date last year.

In the - pick-up - tab, you will see data on new bookings made or canceled for the analyzed day and, when expanding the dropdown, you can see which segments they come from.

  • If you have used the space filter on the main screen, you can also see the booking movements between spaces. For example, if you have filtered by the Double space and see a movement of -1 from Double to Superior, it means that a booking previously assigned to the Double space has been moved to the Superior space. So, when you filter by the Superior space, you will see a movement of +1 from Double to Superior.
  • A tab with historical pick-up is also shown, where booking movements made in previous periods for the queried date are recorded (check-in in the past).