History and Forecast (introduction)

History and Forecast (introduction)

On the Historical and Forecast screen (Menu>Forecast>Historical and Forecast) you can analyze in depth the Forecast for each day.

Use the filters to adapt the information you are interested in, choosing between seeing the full hotel data or breaking it down by macrosegment, market segment or channel, by KPI (occupancy, RevPAR, ADR, RNs or revenue) or by a specific space or rate plan. Adjusting the color bar will highlight what you really want to see on the screen.

Through the icon on the top right side of the screen, the information can be obtained by day or by month.

The screen is divided into 2 well differentiated parts:

  • At the top of the screen there is the Recommended Forecast for each day.
  • Below, there are two graphs showing the evolution of different KPIs:
    • Occupancy: the evolution the pick up over time, for bookings, cancellations and no-shows.
    • ADR and RevPAR evolution for bookings, cancellations and no-shows.

Note: Pressing the monthly view in the upper right corner of the screen, will give you this same analysis but with the accumulated data for each month.