How the pick up is calculated

How the pick up is calculated

The date interpretation is as follows for a chech-in date September 30th.

Pickup calendar

  • Pick-up 0*: From 00:00 of 30/09/2021
  • Pick-up -1: From 00:00 of 29/09/2021
  • Pick-up -3: From 00:00 of 27/09/2021
  • Pick-up -7: From 00:00 of 23/09/2021
  • Pick-up -15: From 00:00 of 15/09/2021
  • Pick-up -30: From 00:00 of 01/09/2021
  • Pick-up -90: From 00:00 of 01/08/2021

*Pick-up 0 may also include all bookings inserted after the check-in date

For the monthly pick-up Beonprice take into account:

  • Past months: all days of the month.
  • Current month: all days of the month are used for the pick up calculation.
  • Closure period: These days will be discarded from the pick-up calculation.

The calculation and display format of the pick-up can be customized in the configuration as percentages or units.

The calculation will be according to the configuration:

Pickup table

Where can you find pick-up information?

  • Dashboard: for RNs or occupancy, for all values 0, -1, -3, -7, -15, -30, -60 and -90.
  • Overview table: for RNs, ADR, revenue, occupancy and RevPAR and for values 0, -1, -3, -7 and -15.
  • Forecast calendar view: for ADR, RevPAR and revenue for -1 and -7 values.
  • Forecast pop up and table view: all KPIs (ADR, RevPAR, occupancy, RN and revenue) and for all values 0, -1, -3, -7, -15, -30, -60, -90.
  • Monthly side view in the daily forecast calendar: all KPIs (ADR, RevPAR, occupancy, RNs and revenue) for all values 0, -1, -3, -7, -15, -30, -60 and -90.
  • Forecast lineal view: RNs or occupancy and for all values 0, -1, -3, -7, -15, -30, -60, -90.
  • Pop up of recommendations: all KPIs (ADR, RevPAR, occupancy, RN and revenue) for all values 0, -1, -3, -7, -15, -30, -60, -90.

Remember: The recommendation filtering is at the space level, therefore, the pickup shown in this view is at the same level.