Pricing General Configuration

Pricing General Configuration

The General settings of the Pricing module allow you to adjust some formatting and displays on closing periods, pick ups, hotel price limits to send, number formatting in price recommendations and VAT configuration.

Hotel closing periods

The Hotel closing periods configuration allows you to indicate to the system if there are periods in the year when your establishment remains closed, and therefore the 365 days of the year are not considered in the annual calculation of the KPIs.

Pickup format.

With the Pickup format option it is possible to configure whether the pickup data should be displayed in percentage or in units for the ADR, RevPAR and revenue KPIs. Once you have saved your settings, you will be able to see your changes instantly.

Price limits on delivery.

Using the Price Limits on Sending Recommendations, you can set the minimum and maximum price at which you are willing to sell any room in your hotel and rate plan in general. Note: in the Inventory and rate structure module you can configure more specifically whether you want these submission price limits at a space or even rate plan level.

Number format in the price recommendations.

You have two options to customize the Number format in the price recommendations: (i) recommendations with up to 2 decimal places; and (ii) rounding of prices to different multiples (5, 9, 10, 100 etc). Important: this configuration will apply to all rates, which may modify the final calculation of the recommended price. Once this configuration is saved, you will have to wait for the next data update to see your changes.

VAT settings

Finally, you will need to enter the VAT value for rooms, meeting spaces and F&B applicable to your establishment. Important: this tax configuration is especially important for the Group Management module.