Quality configuration and HQI™

Quality configuration and HQI™

The quality configuration of the Pricing module is an exclusive functionality of Beonprice and allows to know the quality of the establishment and compare it with that of the competitive set. It provides an indicator called HQ™ (Hotel Quality), consisting of a value between 0 and 1000 calculated for each hotel based on its characteristics, customer segmentation and online reputation.

For this calculation, more than 350 parameters related to the characteristics and available services of the hotel are analysed. Each service gets a score based on whether they are available or not. This information is obtained from the hotel listing published on booking.com. Each feature and service has a weighting that is the same for all hotels. It is possible to edit the available services of our hotel and the hotels of the competitive set, if any of the hotels has any service that is not listed on booking.com.

Since the system only detects the availability of a particular service and not its specific characteristics, it is also possible to edit the score of that service in each hotel, for example, if a competitor’s pool is very small, while another of the hotels in the set has several pools of different sizes.

The service weighting will be calculated for each hotel based on the customer segmentation mix. For example, the availability of a swimming pool in the hotel will have more value for a client of the family segment, than for a client of the business segment.

All this analysis will give us an objective quality value for each hotel, which indicates the average quality expectation that a customer has when deciding to book.

This objective quality value is completed with the online reputation score, which indicates the degree of customer satisfaction, or the extent to which the customer experience has met their expectations. The online reputation modifies the value of the quality of each hotel, resulting in the HQ™ indicator, or value of the overall quality of the property. Each hotel will have the possibility of setting up a target customer segmentation mix for each day of the year, so that you will get a different HQ™ value for each day . This will allow the system to improve price recommendations, and the range of elasticity, depending on what the customer is willing to pay for each level of quality.