Quality - Online reputation analysis

Quality - Online reputation analysis

Learn more about the quality of your hotel through this online reputation analysis.

Important: the filters allow you to choose the data source and the period you want to consult. By default, Booking .com and the data from the last 30 days will always appear filtered.

Competitive analysis

In this section you can compare the HQI, the final reputation score and a reviews analysis of your hotel against your competitors.

Remember: the size of the bubble indicates the number of comments received in the selected period.

Análisis competitivo

Analysis by customer segment

Which customers are posting more reviews? Which of them are less satisfied and need more attention? Which segment is changing its trend? This graph helps to answer all these questions as well as being able to compare your hotel with the competitors.

Análisis por segmento de cliente

Analysis by department

What is the department that has the best or worst score according to your clients? This information can help improve hotel operations by focusing on those departments that need it most to improve the final reputation score.

Analisis por departamento

Finally, in the “Comments” tab located on the right side, you will be able to consult in detail all the reviews of your hotel and your competitors.


Remember: you can filter reviews by data source, hotel, customer segment, country, date, and review score to find what you need.