How to create a new quotation?

How to create a new quotation?

By pressing the “+create new quotation” button on the main screen of the module, you will be able to start the quotation process. Steps are:

  1. Enter general information
  2. Enter accommodation data
  3. Enter supplements / 3. Alternative dates
  4. Enter other revenue

After completing the last step, click on the “finish” button to generate the quotation. Then, you will be taken to another screen obtaining the results. Understanding the quotation outcome

General information

In this step you have to enter the quotation name, agency and company names (optional), arrival/departure dates and option date (optional). Also, you will have to answer the following questions:

  • Is the number of rooms the same for each day of the stay? Choose YES, if the number of rooms requested does not change during all the stay of the group. For example, the group need 50 Standard rooms during all the stay. Choose NO, if the number of rooms requested changes during the stay of the group. For example, the group needs 10 rooms on the first day and 20 on the second.

  • Is the meal plan the same every day of the stay? Choose YES, if the group will stay for the entire stay with the same dietary requirement. For example, the group is on half board. Choose NO, if the group will not have the same dietary requirements during the stay. For example, the first day of the stay group requires half board but the second day they need bed and breakfast.


According to the answers given in the previous questions, you will have to enter day by day or in block the spaces needed by the group, their occupancy and the regime in which they will be accommodated. The “check availability” drop-down, located under each space, will allow you to see the remaining availability while assigning rooms to the group.

The ROH (Run of the house) option will allow you to quote rooms without specifying the category. The system will take the total availability and offer a recommendation according to the request. As no category has been confirmed, room assignment will be at the discretion of the hotel at the time of the group’s arrival.


In this step you will be able to configure space, extra person and meal plan supplements. By default, supplements will be preloaded if you have them loaded in units in the inventory configuration. You will be able to also manually change them according to the needs of each group. Supplements created in the inventory with % will not be preloaded by default.

Other revenue (optional)

In case the group has any other additional income, such as Meeting Rooms or F&B, you can enter them in this step so the tool can take them into consideration.

Alternative dates

This step will only be displayed when, after having entered dates and configured the number of rooms requested, there is not enough availability to accommodate the request. Then, a calendar will appear on the screen showing alternative dates to offer to the group.