Groups management

Groups management

The Groups quotation module (Menu>Groups>Groups quotations) will make easier the group quotation process and its profitability analysis. You will be able to easily decide, without making any calculation, the optimal price for each requested space and determine if it is worth taking the business or not.

From the main screen of the module you will be able to start the quotation process (by clicking on the “+ create new quotation” button) and have all created quotations under control thanks to the table. In this table are shown, in list format, all quotations generated and basic information about each one:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Agency
  • Check-in and check-out dates
  • Option date
  • RNs
  • Revenue (total income generated by the group)
  • Room rate (offered rate for the most basic quoted space)
  • Creation date

In addition, you will have the option to delete quotations or view their details.

For your convenience, all columns in the table can be sorted. Those columns containing a name can be sorted alphabetically, those containing numbers can be sorted from the highest to the lowest and those containing dates can be sorted from the newest to the oldest.

The filters at the top will allow you to select exactly what you want to see. Tip: use the filter “option date” to keep all your follow-ups up to date.

Important: in order to get at the end a correct quotation, it is important to update first the VAT values of each property in the Configuration menu > Pricing > General.

Other articles related to this module:

If you cannot see this module in the menu, please contact your Account Manager.