Recommendations table view

Recommendations table view

The table view is going to give you a general view on behalf to recommendations and filters you want to apply, to see price per agency, to see different restrictions apply to each type of space or rate plan, to compare recommended price with your last published price in the OTA or, in case you have activated the option to send recommendations, your last sended price…

Filter by type of view:

Compare with:

  • Last price published in OTA: Compare the recommended price with the last price extracted from Beonprice. In case you have more than one update a day, the price to compare will be the one of the last update.
  • Last price sent to PMS/CM: Compare the price you sent last time. In case you don’t have this option and you want to configure it, contact your customer experience team.

In order to know if the price recommendation is to increase or decrease. Configure the percentage range on behalf of the one you want to visualize.

On the configuration button, next to the rate plan, you can take a quick view about the configuration for each rate plan.

You can select the recommendation you want to see: price, MLOS, overbooking or stop sell. Bear in mind that you can see one by one or click in all to see all information at a glance.

Clicking on the eye symbol for the day you need to examine will allow you to see a complete analysis of the data performance, pick up, price and market analysis.

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