Recommendations detail view

Recommendations detail view

On the detail view of recommendations (Menu>Recomendations>Detail view), you can go deeper on the price recommended for each day.

On the filters, you can select the type of space and rate plan to visualize. You can also select the date in advance you want to study.

You can visualize this information by day or month.

The screen is divided into 3 differentiated parts:

  • At the top of the screen, you can see the price recommended for each day. You can identify days by:

    • Green: The recommendation is to increase your price
    • Red: The recommendation is to decrease your price
    • Grey: The recommendation is to maintain the price
    • Yellow: There is no availability for the space and rate plan selected
  • Below the calendar, is the quality vs price graph, which informs you about the hotel positioning. The line represents the ideal position that a client is willing to pay for a hotel in your competitive set.

    The circle size informs you about the sales probability which has been calculated on behalf of your compset.
    The right side of this area gives you information about the performance of the selected day/month and the price position on your elasticity.

  • At the bottom of the screen, there are four graphs that will allow you to analyse the pace for different KPIs:

    • Price strategy: compares the evolution of your price and your competitors.
    • Occupancy: Pick up pace view
    • Sales probability: on behalf of your competitors
    • ADR and RevPAR evolution

    Note: By selecting the month option in the upper right corner of the window, the same analysis will be obtained but with the accumulated data for each month, with the difference that the selected price simulation will not be available.